- Loan Products:
* Short term loans:
+ Interest rate: Applied in different specific periods
+ Loan size: ~USD 333
+ Purposes: Business, services, development investment and consumption.
+ Loan term: <=12 months
* Medium term loans
+ Interest rate: Applied in different specific periods
+ Loan size: <= USD 1,429
+ Purposes: Business, services, development investment and consumption.
+ Loan term: >= 12 months and <= 60 months
- Saving products:
* Compulsory saving:
+ Interest rate: Applied in different specific periods
+ Amount: ~USD 01/month
+ Term: >= 5 years
* Saving with no term:
+ Interest rate: Applied in different specific periods
+Amount: Not specified
+ Term: At any time
* Saving with term:
+ Interest rate: Applied in different specific periods
+ Amount: >= ~USD 24.00
+ Term: >= 01 month